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5 Ideas for Hosting Engaging Virtual Events Amid the Pandemic

5 Ideas for Hosting Engaging Virtual Events Amid the Pandemic
In the last few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the global market and businesses across the globe. The effect of the virus outbreak is so brutal that many organizations have either laid down most of their employees or have completely shut their offices down.

To curb this distressed situation, state and federal governments are also advising organizations to avoid large gatherings and cancel all organizational events. In Switzerland, the government banned all gatherings of 1000 people or more. Parts of Europe like Italy, Germany, Spain, France are undergoing lockdown. Even the United States and United Arab Emirates announced travel bans from many countries that are highly affected by the virus.


The travel bans, quarantines, and no large gatherings have scrambled the event industry and created havoc for all organizations that had any events planned in 2020, resulting in major revenue loss.


So, one of the most important questions that arises here is ‘What other options does the event industry have?’


As people are settling in and adjusting to the new norm amid the pandemic, the event industry is struggling to stand on its feet with some changes, grabbing eyeballs of the audience irrespective of the size, location, and time zones.


As these adjustments are slowly adopted by the organizations, the World Health Organization has released a guide specifically for the events industry stating the new norm. And while people are working from home, the events industry is getting more digital, taking advantage of the online platforms, and leveraging the internet to its full capacity.

So, let's look at the 5 interesting ideas for hosting virtual events

Host an online workshop


Physical events provided the participants with knowledge and networking opportunities. And both of it can be ignited using virtual platforms, too. Conducting events using event platforms will help organizations catch up with their participants and disperse knowledge.


Not only these events are engaging, but will also help organizations attract a wider audience. With restricted travel plans, organizers can save a lot of money on travelling, food, and lodging expenses for their participants, thus reducing their outgoings and spending more on curating the event content.

With online events, organizers can even streamline their tracking process by monitoring the participant’s behaviour and journey. Something which was not possible when the events were conducted in-person. This way, organizers can re-target their interested audience, grab more eyeballs, and convert better.


Conduct an online discussion with an influencer


As people are confined to their homes and undergoing some tough times, it always feels good to be listening or talking about the positives. Influencers are such a group of people who rose to fame from little by showcasing or selling their skills online.


In today’s world there are hundreds of influencers across the globe, from different areas of expertise and knowledge. Getting to learn from the influencers is an exciting opportunity for most of the employees, thus increasing your brand’s credibility.


When conducting discussions with influencers, you can also open your platform to the outside world, thus reaching more audience, increasing registrations, and getting more visibility.


Showcase a new product


Events are mostly conducted to know about exciting products in the market and their scope of use in the existing business ecosystem. When the pandemic worsened, with lockdowns implemented across the globe, it was difficult for organizations to showcase their products.


But with the advent of online event platforms amid the pandemic, organizations are buckling up to showcase their products to the world with a larger audience irrespective of their locations. Organizations are tweaking their marketing strategies to reach their target audience before the event and engage with as many people as possible.


Showcasing your product online through virtual events platform does not differ from conducting a physical in-person event. You can walk your audience through the product, interact with your audience real-time, answer their queries, and follow-up post events.


Educating your audience


As organizations have moved from office locations to work from home strategies, it is difficult for organizations to implement a complete in-office setup for certain groups of employees like support representatives.

Educating your audience about your product or services has taken a toll with the ongoing pandemic, and less staff at work. To bridge this gap, organizations can conduct online events to educate and govern the users.


Online educational events are more promising, engaging, and can be conducted with a wider audience irrespective of the user’s location and time zones, thus allowing organizations to conduct more events covering multiple aspects of the product.


Livestream your events


Amid the pandemic, when people are undergoing tough times, organizations can conduct cultural events on a large scale involving the entire organization across the globe. Participants or performers do not have to visit any location physically and still connect with each other using the virtual events platform.


Conducting such events not only entertains and encourages the employees, but also boosts their morale and provides employees with some time of relief from work. 




While the world is fighting through the pandemic and trying to establish new norms, organizations must evolve to find newer ways to engage with the employees and increase their brand visibility.


While the event industry is adapting to the virus outbreak and providing the organizations with equipment to bring a change, it is now time for the organizations to implement the change and make it happen.

To read about other great ideas and technology news, check out our post on Eweek

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